Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Why Functional Programming Matters - An exploration of functional Scala - Part 2

package nl.grons.whyfp
import scala.math.abs

A translation of Miranda examples in chapter 4 of the paper Why Functional Programming Matters by John Hughes, 1984.

This article is the continuation of part 1 - Chapter 3 examples. I will show you lazy evaluation and how this can be useful.

@author Erik van Oosten

object Chapter4_LazyList {


Chapter 4’s examples make heavy use of Miranda’s lazy evaluation. In particular, it uses the list as defined in chapter 3 in a lazy way. This allows the creation of lists of unbounded length. Scala supports lazy lists as well. You can find an implementation in the Stream class. However, as I want to stay close to the original, I redefine the list from chapter 3 as follows:

/** The list from chapter 3, redefined to make it a lazy list. */ sealed abstract class List[+A] { def head: A def tail: List[A] } /** Lazyly evaluate the argument of the constructor AND the value of tail. */ final class Cons[A](hd: A, tl: => List[A]) extends List[A] { override val head: A = hd override lazy val tail: List[A] = tl }

If you compare this to the List implementation in the previous article, you note that parameter ‘tl’ of ‘Cons’ is passed as an by-name parameter (because of the =>). This means that the given expression is only evaluated when the parameter is used. Too prevent the tail expression to be evaluated again and again, the ‘tail’ value is declared as a val. Now ‘tl’ is evaluated exactly once. It is also declared as lazy so that the evaluation of the expression is delayed until the first time it is needed instead of during construction time.

These 3 things together allow the list to behave lazily.

You might also notice that ‘Cons’ is no longer a case class (not possible with by-name parameters). Therefore I define the following:

object Cons { def apply[A](hd: A, tl: => List[A]) = new Cons(hd, tl) // Warning: using unapply leads to evaluation of the tail. def unapply[A](c: Cons[A]) = Some(c.head, c.tail) }

‘Nil’ did not change:

/** The empty list. */ case object Nil extends List[Nothing] { override def head: Nothing = { throw new NoSuchElementException("head of empty list") } override def tail: List[Nothing] = { throw new NoSuchElementException("tail of empty list") } }

Just for fun: here is an example of how the list can be used to construct an infinite list.

/** A list of all integer numbers starting at x and higher. */ // Miranda: nat x = cons x nat(x+1) def nat(x: Int): List[Int] = Cons(x, nat(x + 1))

The Miranda version of ‘nat’ is limited by the available memory, the Scala version is limited to scala.Int.MaxValue.

Function ‘map’ from the previous chapter won’t work. It will try to completely iterate the list which will obviously fail for unbounded lists. Lets implement it again with some simple pattern matching:

/** Create a new lazy list where each element a is replaced by f(a). */ def map_wrong[A, B](f: A => B)(l: => List[A]): List[B] = l match { case Nil => Nil case Cons(head, tail) => Cons(f(head), map(f)(tail)) }

This implementation seemed to work for quite some time, even though everything was slow. If you look carefully, you will see that it evaluates ‘tail’ in ‘Cons.unapply’ which is invoked to match the pattern Cons(head, tail). The result is that exactly one more item in the list is evaluated then necessary. Though this is merely wasteful for most algorithms, it is catastrophic (as in stack overflow) when that evaluation contains another recursive call to ‘map’. This actually happens in the last example of this article.

Here is an implementation that does not have this problem:

/** Create a new lazy list where each element a is replaced by f(a). */ def map[A, B](f: A => B)(l: => List[A]): List[B] = l match { case Nil => Nil case c: Cons[A] => Cons(f(c.head), map(f)(c.tail)) }

Notice that the recursive expression, which includes c.tail, is now used in a place that is lazily evaluated.

On the console:

scala> import nl.grons.whyfp.Chapter4_LazyList._ scala> def printFirst[A](count: Int, l: List[A]) { if (count > 0 && l != Nil) { println(l.head); printFirst(count - 1, l.tail) } } printFirst: [A](count: Int,l: nl.grons.whyfp.Chapter4_LazyList.List[A])Unit scala> printFirst(3, map[Int,Int](_ * 2)(nat(3))) 6 8 10

object Chapter4_1_NewtonRaphsonSquareRoots {

import Chapter4_LazyList._

Here’s an imperative Scala implementation that does a numerical calculation of the square root of a number.

/** Approximate the square root of n to within eps * starting with approximation a0. */ def imperative_squareroot(a0: Double, eps: Double, n: Double): Double = { // Warning: imperative scala! var x = a0 // The initial value of y does not matter so long as abs(x-y) > eps var y = a0 + 2 * eps while (abs(x - y) > eps) { y = x x = (x + n/x) / 2 } x }

Here are my translations of the rest:

/** Next approximation of the square root of n, * based on the previous approximation x. */ // Miranda: next N x = (x + N/x) / 2 def next(n: Double)(x: Double): Double = (x + n/x) / 2 /** Produce an infinite list that starts with a and where all other values * are the result of applying f to the previous value. */ // Miranda: repeat f a = cons a (repeat f (f a)) def repeat[A](f: A => A, a: A): List[A] = Cons(a, repeat(f, f(a))) /** Give the first value of the list that is within eps of its preceding value. */ // Miranda: // within eps (cons a (cons b rest)) = // = b, if abs(a-b) <= eps // = within eps (cons b rest), otherwise def within(eps: Double, l: List[Double]): Double = { val a = l.head if (a.isNaN) throw new RuntimeException("nan") val rest = l.tail val b = rest.head if(abs(a - b) <= eps) b else within(eps, rest) }

When a calculation overflow or underflow occurs (not unlikely when working with approximations), ‘within’ goes amok and will loop forever. This is prevented by validating the head of the list against NaN, Not A Number.

/** Approximate the square root of n to within eps * starting with approximation a0. */ // Miranda: sqrt a0 eps N = within eps (repeat (next N) a0) def sqrt(a0: Double, eps: Double, n: Double) = within(eps, repeat(next(n), a0)) /** Gives the first value of the list that of which the ratio of change * with its preceding value is lower then eps. */ // Miranda: // relative eps (cons a (cons b rest)) = // = b, if abs(a-b) <= eps*abs b // = relative eps (cons b rest), otherwise def relative(eps: Double, l: List[Double]): Double = { val a = l.head if (a.isNaN) throw new RuntimeException("nan") val rest = l.tail val b = rest.head if(abs(a - b) <= eps * abs(b)) b else relative(eps, rest) } /** Approximate the square root of n to within ratio eps starting with * approximation a0. */ // Miranda: relativesqrt a0 eps N = relative eps (repeat (next N) a0) def relativesqrt(a0: Double, eps: Double, n: Double) = relative(eps, repeat(next(n), a0))

On the Console:

scala> import nl.grons.whyfp.Chapter4_LazyList._ scala> import nl.grons.whyfp.Chapter4_1_NewtonRaphsonSquareRoots._ scala> relativesqrt(0.1, 0.01, 4) res0: Double = 2.000010925778043

object Chapter4_2_NumericalDifferentiation {

import Chapter4_LazyList._
import Chapter4_1_NewtonRaphsonSquareRoots._

This chapter is about numerical differentiation.

/** An approximation of the differentiation of f for x over h. */ // Miranda: easydiff f x h = (f(x+h)-f x) / h def easydiff(f: Double => Double, x: Double)(h: Double): Double = (f(x + h) - f(x)) / h // Miranda: // differentiate h0 f x = map (easydiff f x)(repeat halve h0) // halve x = x/2 def differentiate(h0: Double, f: Double => Double, x: Double) = map(easydiff(f, x))(repeat(halve, h0)) def halve(x: Double) = x / 2

On the console:

scala> import nl.grons.whyfp.Chapter4_LazyList._ scala> import nl.grons.whyfp.Chapter4_1_NewtonRaphsonSquareRoots._ scala> import nl.grons.whyfp.Chapter4_2_NumericalDifferentiation._ scala> val f: Double => Double = math.pow(_, 3.0) f: (Double) => Double = <function1> scala> within(0.001, differentiate(1, f, 2)) res0: Double = 12.000732436776161

Some more examples:

// Miranda: // elimerror n (cons a (cons b rest)) = // = cons ((b*(2**n)-a)/(2**n-1)) (elimerror n (cons b rest)) def elimerror(n: Double, l: List[Double]): List[Double] = { val a = l.head val bandrest = l.tail val b = bandrest.head Cons( (b * math.pow(2.0, n) - a) / (math.pow(2.0, n) - 1.0), elimerror(n, bandrest)) } /** Calculate the order of n to be used in elimerror. */ // Miranda: // order (cons a (cons b (cons c rest))) = // = round(log2( (a-c)/(b-c) - 1 )) // round x = x rounded to the nearest integer // log2 x = the logarithm of x to the base 2 def order(l: List[Double]): Double = { val LOG2: Double = math.log(2.0) def log2(x: Double) = math.log(x) / LOG2 val a = l.head val b = l.tail.head val c = l.tail.tail.head val o = math.round(log2((a-c)/(b-c) - 1)) if (o.isNaN || o == 0) 1 else o } // Miranda: improve s = elimerror (order s) s def improve(s: List[Double]): List[Double] = elimerror(order(s), s)

Note that my implementation of ‘order’ is not only real (no vague descriptions of ‘round’ and ‘log2’), but it is more robust then the original. First, it protects against NaN for the case that b-c reaches 0. Secondly, it prevents a result of 0 as that leads to a division by 0 in ‘elimerror’.

On the console:

scala> within(0.001, improve(differentiate(1, f, 2))) res0: Double = 11.9998779296875 scala> // Improve can be improved recursively scala> within(0.001, improve(improve(improve(differentiate(1, f, 2))))) res1: Double = 12.0
// Miranda: // super s = map second (repeat improve s) // second (cons a (cons b rest)) = b def superimprove(s: List[Double]): List[Double] = map(second)(repeat(improve, s)) def second(l: List[Double]): Double = l.tail.head def superdifferentiate(f: Double => Double, x: Double): Double = { val eps: Double = 0.00000001 within(eps, superimprove(differentiate(x + 2 * eps, f, x))) }

object Chapter4_3_NumericalIntegration {

import Chapter4_LazyList._

This chapter is about numerical integration.

// Miranda: easyintegrate f a b = (f a + f b)*(b-a)/2 def easyintegrate(f: Double => Double, a: Double, b: Double) = (f(a) + f(b)) * (b-a) / 2 // Miranda: integrate f a b = cons (easyintegrate f a b) // (map addpair (zip (integrate f a mid) // (integrate f mid b))) // where mid = (a+b)/2 def integrate_simple(f: Double => Double, a: Double, b: Double): List[Double] = { def addpair(pair: (Double, Double)) = pair._1 + pair._2 val mid = (a + b) / 2 Cons( easyintegrate(f, a, b), map(addpair)(zip(integrate(f, a, mid), integrate(f, mid, b))) ) } /** Convert two lists to a list of pairs. */ // Miranda: zip (cons a s) (cons b t) = cons (pair a b) (zip s t) def zip[A,B](as: => List[A], bs: => List[B]): List[(A,B)] = as match { case Nil => Nil case a: Cons[A] => bs match { case Nil => Nil case b: Cons[B] => Cons((a.head, b.head), zip(a.tail, b.tail)) } }

Again note that ‘zip’ was defined such that a.tail and b.tail are defined as a lazily evaluated argument.

// Miranda: // integrate f a b = integ f a b (f a) (f b) // integ f a b fa fb = cons ((fa+fb)*(b-a)/2) // (map addpair (zip (integ f a m fa fm) // (integ f m b fm fb))) // where m = (a+b)/2 // fm = f m def integrate(f: Double => Double, a: Double, b: Double): List[Double] = { def integ(a: Double, b: Double, fa: Double, fb: Double): List[Double] = { def addpair(pair: (Double, Double)) = pair._1 + pair._2 val mid = (a + b) / 2 val fm = f(mid) Cons( (fa + fb) * (b-a) / 2, map(addpair)(zip(integ(a, mid, fa, fm), integ(mid, b, fm, fb))) ) } integ(a, b, f(a), f(b)) }

And of course, seeing is believing:

scala> import nl.grons.whyfp.Chapter4_LazyList._ scala> import nl.grons.whyfp.Chapter4_1_NewtonRaphsonSquareRoots._ scala> import nl.grons.whyfp.Chapter4_2_NumericalDifferentiation._ scala> import nl.grons.whyfp.Chapter4_3_NumericalIntegration._ scala> def f(x: Double): Double = 1/(1+x*x) f: (x: Double)Double scala> within(0.001, integrate(f, 1, 2)) res0: Double = 0.3218612363325556 scala> relative(0.001, integrate(f, 1, 2)) res1: Double = 0.3217782239721789 scala> relative(0.001, superimprove(integrate(f, 1, 2))) res2: Double = 0.3217525935931843


Scala is an excellent language for functional style programs and I really like that static typing prevents tons of errors. My only problem with Scala — in terms of the ‘Why Functional Programming matters’ paper — is that lazy evaluation is not the natural way of working. The way expressions are evaluation is more closely to the Java world. To make use of lazy evaluation you have to be very much aware of what your doing and carefully make use of the lazy keyword and by-name parameters. With Miranda this comes naturally though probably at the cost of some performance for the case laziness is not needed. Perhaps that the standard collections library (scala.collection.immutable.Stream) hides this sufficiently and makes life easy.

A more fundamental way to fix this problem would be to express the laziness nature of an expression in its type. I am out of the academic world for a looong time, so I have no idea if this is being researched at all. It will take some hard thoughts to make this practical and simple to use though.

The next challenge would be to repeat this experiment with the standard collections. But I’ll leave that to someone with more time...


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Why Functional Programming Matters - An exploration of functional Scala.

package nl.grons.whyfp

A translation of Miranda examples in the paper Why Functional Programming Matters by John Hughes, 1984.

@author Erik van Oosten

object WhyFp_Abstract {

Scala is in the focus of attention because it allows a smooth migration from one of the most popular programming languages ever to a language that supports (among other things) a functional style of programming.

In this article I explore the functional aspects of Scala based on a very influential paper on functional programming: ‘Why Functional Programming matters’. To do so I will translate the Miranda examples of chapter 3 and 4 (next article) to Scala. To keep things pure, the standard Scala libraries are avoided.

I will conclude that Scala has sufficient features to live up to Hughes’ standards with the added bonus of being statically type safe.

Just like the paper I just assume you know a bit about functions, partial functions and partially applied functions. In addition I assume you know basic Scala syntax. However, as I am still a Scala newby myself, any comments that will improve this article are welcomed.

This article focusses on the Miranda -> Scala translation and will not repeat the message of the paper. So go ahead, and read the paper first.

All text in this article is properly commented, so the whole article can be copy pasted into your favourite text-editor.

object Chapter3_GlueingFunctionsTogether {
import RichFunction2._

The original article completely defines a list right there in just one line:

listof X ::= nil | cons X (listof X) (Miranda)

Scala is not so powerful and this mainly because we need to translate Miranda’s ‘|’ operator to a class hierarchy.

Lets define List more or less as the Scala library does it (as anonymous points out, it can be done much shorter).

/** The base type for our list. */ sealed abstract class List[+A] { def head: A def tail: List[A] } /** Cons represents an element and the rest of the list. */ case class Cons[A](hd: A, tl: List[A]) extends List[A] { override def head: A = hd override def tail: List[A] = tl override def toString = "Cons(" + hd + "," + tl + ")" } /** Nil represents the empty list. */ case object Nil extends List[Nothing] { override def head: Nothing = { throw new NoSuchElementException("head of empty list") } override def tail: List[Nothing] = { throw new NoSuchElementException("tail of empty list") } override def toString = "Nil" }

Note that Cons is a case class, therefore we can use Cons(x,y) as synonym for the constructor and also as extractor during pattern matching.

We can now use the list as follows:

[] => Nil [1] => Cons(1, Nil) [1,2,3] => Cons(1, Cons(2, Cons(3, Nil)))

As in the original article, what follows is a number of definitions of ‘sum’. I name each definition differently so that this whole article can be compiled as is.

My first approach mimics the Miranda approach with 2 partial functions. Scala does not automatically combine partial functions se we’ll need to do ourselves.

// Miranda: // sum nil = 0 // sum (cons num list) = num + sum list // val sum_nil: PartialFunction[List[Int], Int] = { case Nil => 0 } val sum_cons: PartialFunction[List[Int], Int] = { case Cons(num, list) => num + sum_combinedpartials(list) } def sum_combinedpartials = sum_nil orElse sum_cons

The second, more idiomatic Scala, version wraps this into a single method:

def sum_idiomatic(li: List[Int]): Int = li match { case Nil => 0 case Cons(num, list) => num + sum_idiomatic(list) }

Note that both approaches use pattern matching, just like the Miranda original.

The following definitions of ‘sum’ are more interesting. They are very close to the original example. Note that this actually defines an immutable reference (a val) to a function. In case you are wondering, List[Int] => Int is the type of the function: it accepts one argument, List[Int], and has Int as return type.

// Miranda: sum = reduce add 0 val sum: List[Int] => Int = reduce(add, 0)

Note that nowadays most languages instead of ‘reduce’, use the term ‘foldr’ (fold-right).

Scala has type inference, so if we let the compiler derive the return type, its even closer. Note that we need to tuck an underscore to the end to let the compiler know we really want a partially applied function.

val sum_noTypes = reduce(add, 0) _

And of course we need a definition for ‘add’:

// Miranda: add x y = x + y def add(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y

For function ‘reduce’, I again use pattern matching just like the Miranda original. Notice that ‘reduce’ defines 2 parameter lists. One with parameters f and x, and the second with parameter l. This allows for easy creation of partially applied functions. And this is exactly what happened in the definitions of ‘sum’ and ‘sum_noTypes’ above.

// Miranda // (reduce f x) nil = x // (reduce f x) (cons a l) = f a ((reduce f x) l) // /** * Right fold a list with a function f and a constant x. * * @param f a function to apply * @param x the result for an empty list * @param l the list to fold * @param [A] the type of list elements * @param [B] the result type * @return the result of the expression where in l, * each Cons is replaced by f, and Nil by x */ def reduce[A, B](f: (A, B) => B, x: B)(l: List[A]): B = l match { case Nil => x case Cons(head, tail) => f(head, reduce(f, x)(tail)) }

More examples:

// Miranda: product = reduce multiply 1 def product: List[Int] => Int = reduce(multiply, 1)

Just for fun I define ‘multiply’ a little bit different then ‘add’. Where ‘add’ is a method (which can be used as a function), ‘multiply’ is directly defined as a function. Each underscore declares an anonymous parameter. To avoid the ugly (_: Int) syntax, the type of these anonymous parameters are derived form the return type of ‘multiply’.

val multiply: (Int, Int) => Int = _ * _

We can also inline these functions. If you do so the compiler still needs some hints to infer the types of the anonymous parameters. In the following definitions of ‘anytrue’ and ‘alltrue’ I solve that by adding the generic types of ‘reduce’ (the [Boolean,Boolean] part).

With ‘alltrue’ the return type is inferred by the compiler (again, this requires an underscore to confirm we want partial application of ‘reduce’). In the definition of ‘alltrue’, the return type is defined and therefore the underscore is not needed.

Personally I prefer the explicit return type as the function is too complex to just see what it should be. My rule is omit the return type only when it is blindingly obvious (as in ‘add’ above).

// Miranda // anytrue = reduce or false // alltrue = reduce and true // def anytrue: List[Boolean] => Boolean = reduce[Boolean, Boolean](_ || _, false) def alltrue = reduce[Boolean, Boolean](_ && _, true) _

Lets also explore how ‘reduce’ works and calculate the sum of [1,2,3]. Note how we replace Cons with the given function ‘add’ and Nil with the given constant ‘0’.

Starting point: Cons(1, Cons(2, Cons(3, Nil))) Reduce applied: add(1, add(2, add(3, 0 ))) == 6 And for multiply: multiply(1, multiply(2, multiply(3, 1 ))) == 6

Here is my translation of ‘append’.

// Miranda: append a b = reduce cons b a def append[A](a: List[A], b: List[A]): List[A] = reduce[A, List[A]](Cons[A], b)(a)

Note that the first parameter we pass to ‘reduce’ is actually the Cons object (with generic type parameter [A]). This is possible because anything with an ‘apply’ method is recognized as a Scala function.

The generic type ‘[A]’ on Cons is essential; without it the compiler generates nothing but misleading error messages. It took me many hours to figure this one out.

If you are new to this complex kind of type declarations (like I am), you’ll find that careful reading is in order. I am afraid this is just something you need to practice. Also, it helps greatly when you wrote this kind of stuff yourself.

Lets skip ahead to ‘doubleall’.

// Miranda: // doubleall = reduce doubleandcons nil // where doubleandcons num list = cons (2*num) list def doubleall_1: List[Int] => List[Int] = { def doubleandcons(num: Int, list: List[Int]) = Cons(2 * num, list) reduce(doubleandcons, Nil) }

As you can see Miranda’s where keyword nicely translates to nested methods.

Next version:

// Miranda: // doubleandcons = fandcons double // where double n = 2*n // fandcons f el list = cons (f el) list def doubleandcons: (Int, List[Int]) => List[Int] = { def double(n: Int) = 2 * n def fandcons[A, B](f: A => B)(el: A, list: List[B]) = Cons(f(el), list) fandcons(double) }

So far, I had little problem with translating this to Scala. However, the next line needed quite a bit more thought:

fandcons f = cons . f

Scala (Miranda as well) only defines the ‘compose’ method on functions of arity 1. For Miranda this is no problem as all functions written down with multiple arguments are actually syntactic sugar for functions with a single argument that produce further functions with 1 argument. So the type of ‘add’ in

add x y = x + y

is not (Int, Int) => Int as it would be in Scala, but Int => Int => Int.

In our Scala code Cons.apply has 2 arguments and thus arity 2. To be precise, the type of Cons[B] _ is (B, List[B]) => List[B]. (Note in Scala we write Cons[B] _ to indicate we need it as a partially applied function).

In order to apply ‘compose’ we first need to convert Cons[B].apply to something of type B => List[B] => List[B] (a unary function that accepts a B, and gives another unary function that accepts a List[B], and gives a List[B]). This is called currying and is performed with the ‘curried’ function.

The result of currying is a unary function that we can compose with ‘f’. The next step is to uncurry back to a function of arity 2. This is done with ‘uncurried’. Not lets put this in code:

// Miranda: fandcons f = cons . f def fandcons[A, B](f: A => B): (A, List[B]) => List[B] = Function.uncurried( (Cons[B] _).curried.compose(f) )

However, this is very a unwieldy syntax and I am going to need it a lot in the upcoming examples. Therefore, I’ll pimp the Scala library to include ‘compose’ also on functions of arity 2 (see RichFunction2 below).
We can now condense the code to:

// Miranda: fandcons f = cons . f def fandcons_short[A, B](f: A => B): (A, List[B]) => List[B] = (Cons[B] _).compose(f)

And then we try it out with some arguments to see it is correct:

fandcons(f, el)(list) = Cons.compose(f)(el)(list) = Cons(f(el), list)

And finally (no longer defining ‘double’ as a nested function):

// Miranda: doubleall = reduce (cons . double) nil def double(n: Int) = 2 * n def doubleall: List[Int] => List[Int] = reduce((Cons[Int] _).compose(double), Nil) _

The next step is to extract ‘map’:

// Miranda: // doubleall = map double // map f = reduce (cons . f) nil def doubleall_map: List[Int] => List[Int] = map(double) def map[A, B](f: A => B): List[A] => List[B] = reduce((Cons[B] _).compose(f), Nil) _

Map could for example be used to calculate the sum in a matrix, a list of list of int.

// Miranda: summatrix = sum . map sum val summatrix: List[List[Int]] => Int = sum.compose(map(sum))

Here is a fragment of the scala console in which I try out summatrix:

scala> import nl.grons.whyfp.Chapter3_GlueingFunctionsTogether._ scala> val a: List[List[Int]] = Cons(Nil, Cons(Cons(1, Cons(2, Nil)), Cons(Cons(4, Nil), Nil))) a: nl.grons.whyfp.Chapter3_GlueingFunctionsTogether.List[nl.grons.whyfp.Chapter3_GlueingFunctionsTogether.List[Int]] = Cons(Nil,Cons(Cons(1,Cons(2,Nil)),Cons(Cons(4,Nil),Nil))) scala> summatrix(a) res0: Int = 7

Lets move on and create a tree.

//Miranda: treeof X ::= node X (listof (treeof X)) sealed abstract class Tree[+A] { def label: A def children: List[Tree[A]] } case class Node[A](l: A, c: List[Tree[A]]) extends Tree[A] { override def label: A = l override def children: List[Tree[A]] = c }

The tree 1 o / \ / \ 2 o o 3 | | o 4 in Scala would look like:

Node(1, Cons( Node(2, Nil), Cons(Node(3, Cons(Node(4, Nil), Nil)), Nil)))

Here is my version of ‘redtree’:

// Miranda: // redtree f g a (node label subtrees) = // f label (redtree' f g a subtrees) // redtree' f g a (cons subtree rest) = // g (redtree f g a subtree) (redtree' f g a rest) // redtree' f g a nil = a /** * Reduce a tree with functions f and g and constant a. * @param f a function to apply to a node label and * the result of g on the node's subtree * @param g a function to apply to a subtree and * the result of g on the following sibling subtrees * @param a the result for an empty tree * @param tree the tree to reduce * @param [F] the return type of f and redtree itself * @param [G] the return type of g * @param [A] the type of the tree labels * @return the result of the expression where in tree, * each Node is replaced by f, each Cons by g, and Nil by x */ def redtree[F, G, A](f: (A, G) => F, g: (F, G) => G, a: G)(tree: Tree[A]): F = { def redchildren(children: List[Tree[A]]): G = children match { case Cons(subtree, rest) => g(redtree(f, g, a)(subtree), redchildren(rest)) case Nil => a } f(tree.label, redchildren(tree.children)) }

Notice how Scala’s nested functions are more elegant then Miranda’s top level function ‘redtree' ’ (renamed to ‘redchildren’ here); in Scala the arguments of ‘redtree’ are not passed to ‘redchildren’ as the nested function can access them directly.

Lets use redtree to sum all integer labels in a tree of type Tree[Int]:

// Miranda: sumtree = add add 0 val sumtree: Tree[Int] => Int = redtree(add, add, 0)

Next: collecting all the labels in a list:

// Miranda: labels = redtree cons append nil def labels[A]: Tree[A] => List[A] = redtree(Cons[A], append[A], Nil)

And the last example: create a new tree by applying a function to each label:

// Miranda: maptree f = redtree (node . f) cons nil def maptree[A, B](f: A => B): Tree[A] => Tree[B] = redtree((Node[B] _).compose(f), Cons[Tree[B]], Nil)
} */

Parting thoughts

Although it took quite some time to write the code and then translate this to my 100th article, I had great fun doing so. In addition, I learned quite a bit on writing more complex Scala code.

The code for chapter 4 has already been translated, so expect another article soon.

P.S. RichFunction2

As was written above, Scala does not define ‘compose’ on Function2 (the class representing functions with 2 parameters), only on Function1 ‘compose’ is available. To remedy this, we’ll define it ourselves with the pimp-my-library pattern.

class RichFunction2[T1, T2, R](f: Function2[T1, T2, R]) { /** * (f compose g)(x, y) == f(g(x), y) */ def compose[A](g: (A) => T1): (A, T2) => R = { (x: A, y: T2) => f(g(x), y) } } object RichFunction2 { // Note: complete return type is required here because the method // is used before it is declared. implicit def richFunction2[T1, T2, R](f: Function2[T1, T2, R]): RichFunction2[T1, T2, R] = new RichFunction2(f) }

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Open source - why bother with anything else?

Since I work in a fine small company where we are breathing open source for at least a decade, it is sometimes weird to be confronted again by open source adversaries or agonists. For example, a colleague wrote a fine technical design based on Mule. All of a sudden we're asked to compare this to BEA AquaLogic and see whether we could implement the project with that. Now this is probably possible, and AquaLogic is probably a fine product family, but why bother?

Since there was already a Mule prototype, I found it a cumbersome idea. To get up to speed with AquaLogic you first have to find out what products in the AquaLogic family you need, and of course you only need a tiny bit of most of them. Secondly you have to go into a trajectory to get the software, including development licenses. Somehow money is not always a problem, but the time to get the products and start working always is, and the deadline won't move. Did I already mention I really hate bureaucracy?

Starting with open source often just takes 5 lines in a pom.xml and a few minutes of download time.

Okay, well suppose this was all taken care of and you are happily underway with development. You then run into a problem. Yes, you will, this is no different from open source. Now lets see how I typically deal with problems with using open source and see how this applies to closed source software.

Finding a solution to a problem with an open source product
1) (Re-)read the documentation
The first step is always to read the documentation. With the source jars attached in your favorite IDE, the javadoc is one key-press away.

2) Debugging
In step 2 we'll do some debugging. Again, with the source jars attached, tracing through your own code is as easy as tracing the open source code. I may not understand all the code, but I know what I need and I can read the JavaDoc of code encountered underway.
More often then not tracing leads to a deeper understanding of the used products, and I frequently find things that are useful for other parts of the project. The deeper understanding helps to form a solution. This can be changing your code, or patching the open source product. Otherwise it helps you formulate a more precise problem statement for the next steps.

3) Read more documentation
As I have now seen the code, I can search the available documentation more efficiently. So I do this first before going into the next step. Documentation in this phase can be anything, from manuals to blogs and forums.

4) Post questions
The last step is to post a question on a forum or mailing list. If you get this far, you are either lazy, you just missed something, or you found out that the library has a bug. The results of this step are not always satisfactory; it really depends on the community around the product. At least you can always change the open source product yourself.

Finding a solution to a problem with a closed source product

1) (Re-)read the documentation
Again, the first step is to read the documentation. However, javadoc is not always available. Rarely is it available in the form of a source jar.

2) Debugging
Oops, we can only trace our own code. Perhaps you can use de-compilation. Note that this might actually be illegal in your country (not in The Netherlands luckily). Secondly, the source might be obfuscated. And of course, I am not even talking about products that run as a complete separate program.

3) Read more documentation
As it is unlikely that debugging gave us more insight, we skip this step.

4) Post questions
In rare cases there are user communities around closed source. These are very valuable! However, usually you just have to ask the manufacturer. By lack of insight, the question won't be as detailed as with open source. And then we rely on the manufacturer. Some react quick and accurate, some don't even give you the the ability to ask questions. More often then not it costs lots of money and time. And of course meanwhile you will have to code workarounds yourself.


Despite the title I am not at all against closed and commercial software. Its just that as a programmer I find it hardly ever worth the bother.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Another Wicket course coming up

I'll be doing the public Wicket introduction course from jweekend again on May 27 and 28. For more information see the link above or drop me a note.

Wicket root mounts

Just in case you missed it: I recently wrote an article that shows how to mount pages on the root in Wicket. As a lot of time went into creation the example application I posted the article on my employers blog.