Simon claims to be the successor of JAMon. As I just started a project to improve the documentation of Jamon, and integrate this better with Wicket projects, I thought this would be a good time to evaluate Simon and also to compare it to Jamon. Here are the results.
Simon (only just started) can measure task durations (min, max, count, maximum concurrency and some timestamps) and has task counters. Other statistics can be added (supported now: standard deviation). The JDBC proxy driver can be used to monitor database usage. The monitors are grouped in a tree. You can disable each monitor individually, or per complete subtree.
Jamon adds the ability to measure in any unit (for example euro value of a transaction) and has quite a few monitors for Tomcat, Jetty, etc. Jamon does not organize monitors in a tree, so monitors can be disabled individually, or all at the same time.
So Jamon clearly wins on the feature front, but if you're just into the basic stuff Simon is fine.
One of the weak points of Jamon is its documentation (hence my little project). Simon on the other hand starts with a good set of wiki pages. If these are maintained properly, Simon is the clear winner here.
Simon interface
Simon's interface is fairly simple. One gets a monitor through the singleton SimonManager, and call start and stop on it:
Stopwatch simon =
// Do something
Getting data out of a Simon monitor (a simon) is a bit more difficult. You can just get the measurements like this:
Stopwatch simon = SimonManager.getStopwatch("simon.test");
long hitCount = simon.getCounter();
long max = simon.getMax();
long total = simon.getTotal();
The idiomatic solution would be to use method sample:
Stopwatch simon = SimonManager.getStopwatch("simon.test");
Map<String, String> sample = simon.sample(true);
long hitCount = Long.parseLong(sample.get("counter"));
long max = Long.parseLong(sample.get("max"));
long total = Long.parseLong(sample.get("total"));
Here is another approach:
Stopwatch simon = SimonManager.getStopwatch("simon.test");
long hitCount;
long max;
long total;
synchronized (simon) {
hitCount = simon.getCounter();
max = simon.getMax();
total = simon.getTotal();
Recommendation: move all data retrieval methods (getMax(), getTotal(), etc.) from the monitor to an immutable data class, e.g. StopwatchMeasurements. Method sample should return instances of this class, or subclasses when a different analyzer was configured.
Update 2008-12-25: added following section on visiting all simons.
Update 2009-01-0: the iterator now actually works.
As I am using Jarep to browse through historic measurements, I want to expose the Simon data just like Jarep's servlet exposer for Jamon does. In other words: we need to visit each simon and extract the data as described above.
There are 2 approaches to visit all nodes. First is to get all simon names from SimonManager and then request them one by one. The other is to walk the tree of simons. I choose the latter. Unfortunately there is no tree iterator so I created one with commons-collections:
Simon rootSimon = SimonManager.getRootSimon();
ObjectGraphIterator simonIterator =
new ObjectGraphIterator(rootSimon, new Transformer() {
private Object previous;
public Object transform(Object input) {
if (input == previous) {
previous = null;
return input;
} else {
previous = input;
Simon currentSimon = (Simon) input;
return new IteratorChain(
new SingletonIterator(currentSimon),
Recommendation: store children of a simon in a CopyOnWriteArrayList instead of a TreeSet. Another option is change the complete set of simons in the manager into a ConcurrentMap and provide an iterator over that.
Performance To measure the performance of Simon and Jamon I wrote a test application that mimics a random web applications. It has a variable number of threads to mimic the number of concurrent requests that are being handled. There is one monitor to measure the duration of the entire request, one monitor to measure a specific request, one monitor to measure the service layer, and 0 to 3 monitors to measure the database layer.
The test application was run from IntelliJ with Soy Latte 1.0.3 (a 1.6 JDK, part of the OpenJDK for Debian) on a 2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo.
The measurements below display the time spend in obtaining, starting and stopping a single monitor. Measurements were done in nanoseconds, but are displayed here in milliseconds (logarithmic scale).
Simon's performance is pretty good! The overhead in my test application doesn't come anywhere near the millisecond range even in highly concurrent situations. Jamon is not so bad either, even though its 5 to 200 times slower, depending on thread contention. With 5 monitors in a request, the overhead per request slowly grows to 0.7 ms for Simon, and quickly grows to 12ms for Jamon.
Note: the test application does nothing else but getting monitors and doing measurements. So the right side of the chart is unrealistic for most environments.
Improving the performance
Even though the performance is pretty good. I think it can be improved further. I investigated two potential performance improvements:
- Remove the ThreadLocal variable in StopWatchImpl.
- Replace synchronized HashMap with a ConcurrentHashMap in EnabledManager.
ThreadLocals have seen an enormous performance improvement in recent JVMs, but you are still better off without.
The idea is as follows: method start will no longer return the monitor itself but an object that contains only the start time and a stop method. Lets call it a StopwatchMeasurement. Only in the stop method will it be necessary to synchronize and update the counters.
The advantages are:
- We no longer need to synchronize the start method.
- We no longer need the thread local variable to store the start time.
- We no longer need the start(key) and stop(key) variants.
- The stopwatch is no longer susceptible for memory leak when a malicious client keeps starting monitors in new threads, but never stops them (someone forgot a finally).
- The stopwatch is no longer susceptible for memory leak when a malicious client keeps starting monitors with start(key) with a new key, but never stops them (again, someone forgot a finally).
If it is desirable to keep the firstUsage and lastUsege timestamps (I don't use them), these can lift along with the start time and be stored during the stop method. Note: this may be unacceptable if you need information on long running operations.
To test it out I hacked StopwatchImpl to return a StopwatchMeasurement from the start method. If you look at the implementation you see that StopwatchMeasurement implements Stopwatch so that the idiomatic usage still works:
Stopwatch simon =
// Do something
Of course this is a kludge that should be improved upon for a real implementation. In addition, I made no attempt to keep the active counter and the first/lastUsage timestamps.
Here are the results (again in ms per measurement):
Not bad! Although the results are quite dramatic for the higher thread counts, it still shaves off 20% in situations with less contention.
Recommendation: remove the thread local from StopwatchImpl and change the API as described above.
Replace synchronized HashMap with a ConcurrentHashMap in EnabledManager
The second thing I noticed is that getting a monitor from the SimonManager (the SimonManager.getStopwatch("simon.test") part) happens in a synchronized block and uses a plain HashMap as store. Since Java 5 there is a ConcurrentHashMap implementation which supposedly performs better in almost any circumstances.
Lets see. I remove some synchronized keywords, changed the map type, and made the code to add new monitors thread safe. This resulted in a modified EnabledManager.
Here are the results. The graph displays a few attempts that differ in the concurrency level parameter to the ConcurrentHashMap constructor. For more accuracy this graph displays the improvement in nanoseconds.
To my big surprise there is no measurable difference with modest contention. During high contention there is a reasonable positive effect that is suddenly converted to a negative effect for very high contention. Only when the currency level is set very high, does the effect stay positive.
Recommendation: don't change the manager.
Conclusions Although Simon is only young, it is off with a good start. Its clearly faster then Jamon and also on the documentation front Simon wins. Jamon has much more features so it is still a valid choice. When the recommendations in this article are followed, Simon could be better still.
Follow the discussion of this evaluation on the Java Simon mailing list.
Code smells from Clean Code by Robin C. Martin:
[F3] Flag arguments
[N7] Names should describe side effects
[G14] Feature Envy
[G21] Understand the algorithm
[G25] Replace magic numbers with named constants
Code smells by me:
[CE6] Incomplete contract
[GE37] Unnecessary conversions